Gay Signs

By Ed Santa Vicca

Gay Signs: An Astrological Guide for Homosexual Men, by J. E.

Kneeland. Forward by Louise L. Hay. Hay house, 1988. $9.95

This is a slightly popularized approach to a subject of great seriousness to millions of people, including many gay men. As such, it attempts not only to capture the truths of our destinies according to the planets, but also to present those truths with a bit of light-heartedness and fun.

Each of the signs of the Zodiac is dealt with in turn, and for each sign, the reader is given a profile of the look, nature and challenge of that sign, as well as a description of the sign as a rising sign with the Sun in another house. (If it sounds confusing, it is!)

The book has a forward by Louise Hay, a noted holistic healer. While most of the text is devoted to astrological interpretation, there are also major sections explaining the the 12 houses of experience, how to find your mate using astrology and the "LibraScorpio Connection." Useful glossary, bibliography and index.

If you are gay, if you are male, and if you want to try to understand your life from the perspective of astrology, you'll probably enjoy this book. It has its moments.



by Ed Santa Vicca

AIDS: You Can't Catch It Holding Hand, By Niki de Saint Phalle.

Lapis Press, 1987. $6.95

Written and illustrated by artist Nikki de Saint Phalle for her son Phillip in answer to questions about AIDS, this tiny volume is stimulating and instructive. Every page contains some brief text accompanied by colorful illustrations, both of which explain some aspect of AIDS to a child.

The primary age range for this book is likely to be 7-10. Younger children will probably need an adult to help them understand any concepts that are not clearly understood.


Saint Phalle "made" the work with the help of immunologist Dr. Silvio Barandon, and although concepts are expressed in what some might call "ambiguous phrasing," the book is one of the few that exist for children, and one that successfully conveys the maximum information on AIDS using a minimum amount of difficult or cumbersome language.

If there is a child in your life for whom you want a better understanding of AIDS, sit down and read this book with them. You will have given that child one of the most useful gifts possible. Some adults also could benefit from a reading or two.


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Living with AIDS

Continued from Page 11.

the need to correct certain misconceptions about the Taskforce seems more pressing. So, fasten your seat belts...

The Taskforce is not a "research" organization. Yes, we do conduct some research on the effectiveness of education programs, both to improve programs and because many grants require such research. But HIT funds are used solely for direct support services and education. Direct services include: the Buddy program for people with AIDS; support groups for people within the HIV spectrum (AIDS, ARC or positive antibody status), their lovers, families, friends and others; direct financial assistance and in-kind donations to people with AIDS; legal assistance; crisis intervention counseling; referrals for other needed personal services; and social events for people within the HIV spectrum, their families and friends.

In answer to a question I've been asked several times in the past week, the Hospice Fund is not a Taskforce program. That is another worthy cause, coordinated by Northern Ohio Coalition, Inc. Funds raised by the Taskforce are immediately turned back into its AIDS services and programs.

The Taskforce is a non-profit organization. Some people seem to have the idea that HIT is a wealthy agency, but the money raised at an event like "Dancing in the Streets," HIT's principal annual fundraiser, are a pittance when compared to what needs to be spent for AIDS services and programs.

Given the lack of any real state funding for AIDS, and the absence of federal funding for any education programs that even seem to be gayaffirmative, HIT depends on private support to do much of its work. Even with that support, very little would be accomplished without the selfless dedication of 250 Taskforce volunteers.

As Director of Education, I'm somewhat shocked by the suggestion

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that HIT gives little back to the lesbian and gay community. Gay and bisexual in Cleveland remain disproportionately affected by AIDS-more than 70% of the diagnosed people with AIDS, according to the City Department of Health. They, their lovers, friends and families certainly are part of the community. Moverover, the condoms we give away in local bars, the gay safer sex brochures, the gay safer sex house parties and the "Lesbians and AIDS" pamphlet which the Chronicle printed in August all cost money to purchase, These are produce and distribute. some of the ways the Taskforce "gives back" to the community for its support.

Since I was not involved in planning "Dancin'," I leave it to the three women and two men who were this year's cochairs to respond to the other issues raised in the editorial. This column can, however, correct one piece of AIDS misinformation in the editorial. You do NOT "contract AIDS" through unsafe sex or any other risk behavior. You may contract the virus (called HIV). Not everyone who has HIV in his/her body has yet developed AIDS, ARC or any other HIV-related illness, and we still do not know if or when these people will.

The Chronicle is not the only lesbian and to gay publication print misinformation like this. But using

phrases like "contract AIDS" or terms like "AIDS virus" and "AIDS test" do more harm than good. They contribute to fear and to stigma.

If we can all learn to talk with one another about our issues regarding events like "Dancin'," instead of tossing accusations across the printed page (as we seem to love to do), then this column will get on with the more important business of empowering the community as it learns to live with AIDS.

I welcome comments about the column, suggestions for topics or questions about AIDS. Please address them to this column c/o the Chronicle.

Do you know him?


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Cleveland Police are seeking information about the identity of the person or people responsible for the death of Percy Bynum.

Bynum's body was found on July 13 in a chair at his residence on Lee Road in Cleveland. He had been set on fire.

The Coroner's office determined that Bynum had been shot in the head and was dead before the fire was set. Police have reason to believe Bynum was gay.

Anyone with information concerning this crime should contact the Crime Stoppers Unit of Cleveland police at 252-7463. You may remain anonymous and your tip could be worth $2,000.